VTA User's Guide: V1.0 for VTA 1.0

Chapter 2. Building and Configuring VTA

If you have built VTA from the source files, please go to next topic   Using VTA

Configuring VTA under LINUX

The following steps are required before you run VTA binary image:

1. Enter vta-1.0/vta directory, su root, chown root pcap, chmod 4111 pcap (to make it a root setuid program ). This step is not required if you are only using VTA to read an existing traffic dump file from local disk.

2. chmod a+x getSock. This is to let every user to be able to run getSock binary. This step does not need root access.

3. Set the VTAPATH to the vta-1.0 directory path. For example, assume vta-1.0 directory is in /home/john/. Then on tcsh, you can use this command to set the VTAPATH:

setenv VTAPATH /home/john/vta-1.0

If you don't set VTAPATH correctly, you will not be able to launch the packet capturing program successfully.

4. In vta-1.0/vta directory, type in ./vta to run VTA.

Next Topic   Using VTA