SHF: Medium: Collaborative Research: Statically Controlled Asynchronous Lane Execution (SCALE)

Award number:1901005

Lead institution : Michigan Tech

Principal Investigator:Soner Onder (Michigan Tech)

Principal Investigator:David Whalley (Florida State University)

NSF Organization:CCF

Start Date: September 15, 2019 (active)

Award Amount:$599,544.00 (Michigan Tech share)

FoMR: Collaborative Research: Dependent ILP: Dynamic Hoisting and Eager Scheduling of Dependent Instructions

Award Number:1823398

Lead institution : Michigan Tech

Principal Investigator:Soner Onder (Michigan Tech)

Principal Investigator:David Whalley (Florida State University)

NSF Organization:CCF

Start Date:10/01/2018 (active)

Award Amount:$214,868.00 (Michigan Tech share)

XPS: Full: FP: Collaborative Research: Sphinx: Combining Data and Instruction Level Parallelism through Demand Driven Execution of Imperative Programs

Award Number:1533828

Lead institution : Michigan Tech

Principal Investigator:Soner Onder (Michigan Tech)

Principal Investigator:David Whalley (Florida State University)

NSF Organization:CCF

Start Date:08/01/2015 (active)

Award Amount:$560,000.00 (Michigan Tech share)

EAGER: Combining Data and Instruction Level Parallelism through Demand Driven Execution of Imperative Programs

Award Number:1450062

Principal Investigator:Soner Onder

NSF Organization:CCF

Start Date:09/01/2014 (completed)

Award Amount:$113,910.00

SHF: Small: Single Assignment Architecture / Single Assignment Compiler

Award Number:1116551

Principal Investigator:Soner Onder

NSF Organization:CCF

Start Date:08/01/2011 (completed)

Award Amount:$153,000.00

CAREER: Future Values: Reshaping the Future of Instruction Level Parallelism

Award Number:0347592

Principal Investigator:Soner Onder

NSF Organization:CCF

Start Date:02/15/2004 (completed)

Award Amount:$406,000.00

ITR: Exposing the compiler to the hardware: Memory Subsystem Optimizations through Compiler/Micro-architecture Cooperation using Set Membership Information and Color Sets

Award Number:0312892

Principal Investigator:Soner Onder

Co-Principal Investigator:Steven Carr

NSF Organization:CCF

Start Date:08/15/2003 (completed)

Award Amount:$286,000.00

Power-Adaptive Microarchitecture and Compiler Design for Mobile Computing

DARPA, Power Aware Computing/Communications Program,

Award no. F29601-00-1-0183, 7/2000-11/2002.