CS4411 Reading List: Week 3

Textbook Material
Read the following materials
  • Chapter 4
  • Section 6.1 to Section 6.4
  • Slides for Chapter 6 are available in the common directory: chap06-1.pdf.
  • We will discuss Chapter 5 later.

Do the following problems
From our text
  • Problem 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.8, 4.10, 4.11 (p. 174)
  • Problem 6.1, 6.2, 6.8, 6.9, 6.13, 6.14 (p. 267)
Food for Thought
  • The following solution to the mutual exclusion problem for two processes is due to H. Hyman in 1966:
    bool  flag[2];   // global flags
    int   turn;      // global turn variable
    Process i (i = 0 or 1)
    flag[i] = TRUE;          // I am interested
    while (turn != i) {      // while it is not my turn
         while (flag[j])     //   while you are interested
              ;              //     do nothing: busy waiting
         turn = i;           //   because your are interested, it is my turn
    // critical section
    flag[i] = FALSE          // I am done and not interested
    Unfortunately, this is an incorrect solution. Find the problem.
  • Consider the following solution to the mutual exclusion problem for two processes P0 and P1, where flag[2] is a Boolean array of two elements and turn is an integer variable. Both are global to P0 and P1. Show that mutual exclusion is implemented correctly.
    Process P0                      Process P1
    while (true) do                  while (true) do
       ......                           ......
       flag[0] := true;                 flag[1] := true;
       while flag[1] do                 while flag[0] do
          if turn = 1 then                 if turn = 0 then
             flag[0] := false;                flag[1] := false;
             while turn = 1 do                while turn = 0 do
                ;                                ;
             flag[0] := true;                 flag[1] := true;
          end if                           end if
       end while                        end while
       // Critical Section           // Critical Section
       turn := 1;                       turn := 0;
       flag[0] := false;                flag[1] := false;
       ......                           ......
    end while;                       end while;

You do not have to turn in your paper. What I really expect you to do is using these problems to gauge your understanding of the subject. So, do the problems after finish reading the above sections.