CS4811 Homework 7 --- Computational Intelligence

Due: Wednesday, Apr. 18, 2012 (03:05pm) No extensions will be allowed because we will discuss the topics of this assignment in class.
(Assigned: Wednesday, Apr. 11, 2012.)

Read the article listed below and watch the video shown in class. Write a 2-page paper that includes four sections:

  1. Some Challenges and Grand Challenges for Computational Intelligence.
    Edward A. Feigenbaum.
    Journal of the ACM (JACM), 50(1): January 2003, 32 --40.
    online copy  )
  2. Computers versus Common Sense
    Doug Lenat.
    Presented at Google talks. May 30, 2006.
    Link to Google Video  )
The paper should be single-spaced, single column, 12-point font with 1-inch margins. The paper should not be over 2 pages, even by a word. It may be short a few lines. Copy the above reference list to the third page of the paper. You may change the titles of the second and third sections.