CS4311: Introduction to Computation Theory hw2

CS 4311 Introduction to Computation Theory
Homework 2: Section 4.2

Due: Wednesday, 9/20/06, beginning of class (Assigned: Wednesday, 9/13/06)

You are required to turn in answers to all the questions. However, only a random subset of the questions will be graded. While discussion with others is permitted and encouraged, the final work should be done individually. You are not allowed to work in groups. The answers, comments, and programs (if any) must be the original work of the author. You are allowed to build on material supplied in the class. If you use any other source than the class notes and the textbook, specify it clearly.

1. Show that the union of two disjoint countable sets is also countable.

2. Find the error in the following proof that the set of binary numbers is uncountable.

3. Let B be the set of total functions from N to N. Show that B is uncountable, using a proof by diagonalization.

4. Let B be the set of monotone-increasing total functions from N to N. Show that B is uncountable, using a proof by diagonalization.

Note: A total function f from N to N is monotone-increasing if f(n) < f(n+1) for all nN.