Application Areas

The Michigan Tech Computer Science department allows you to design your own CS degree which has a specific focus or "application area." This page is designed to give you ideas for which courses you may want to take if you were to build a Computer Science application area in graphics, virtual reality, or another field of your choosing. This degree will allow you to apply for jobs which computer scientists and programmers might traditionally apply for, but will also allow you to market yourself as having additional expertise in the focus area that you select. If you are interested in pursuing this option, you should talk to the CS academic advisor. Additional information can also be found on the web page for the CS undergraduate program.

Courses related to game design, game development, virtual reality, and digital art

In addition to the core computer science curriculum, you may want to consider taking one or more of the following courses if you are interested in game development, virtual reality, or digital art. If you find any errors or omissions in the list below, please contact me.

Courses by department

Related majors

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