Hints and Local FAQ

Q: How do I get an account?
A: Talk to Steve Seidel or Phil Merkey.

Q: How is ecgtheow connected and how to I connect to it?
A: The 64 nodes within ecgtheow are on a private network. A user doesn't login to the nodes themselves. The programming environment, e.g. MPI, handles the distribution of tasks to the processors within the cluster. The programmer only ever logs into the host. The "host" (cse1.cse.mtu.edu) is a typical linux workstation. You must use ssh and *not* telnet or rlogin to get onto the host machine. If you've never used ssh, you should read the man pages because ssh can be much more user friendly than rsh. If you don't care about that, ssh can used as a drop in replacement for rsh. Example:

$ ssh cse1.cse
[you will be prompted for your password]


$ ssh ecgtheow.cse

If that doesn't work, try using the fully qualified name:

$ ssh cse1.cse.mtu.edu


$ ssh ecgtheow.cse.mtu.edu

If you can't that to work, let us know.

Q: How do I get help? A: There is a mailing list for users of our beowulf cluster, see the link in the INFO frame on the left for more information on that.